All distressed out

When you think all is lost for that table, chair, or stool, or any other wood piece for that matter. Take a look at these, distressed never looked so good. You don’t have to be afraid to be a little on the destructive side with this project. Using a heavy chain will aid in achieving all the perfect dents and dings. Next you can use a wood carving knife {they’re not expensive at all} and get to carving. Last but not least; stain, but sand lightly and clean your piece well. Use whichever color you like and let it set in all the creases and crevices. Remember the more dented and imperfect the better.

1 thought on “All distressed out

  1. These are fantastic!! I also love kitchen/dining tables that are graffitied / craved with notes and initials by family friends etc….great dinner party fun and a reminder of happy meals cheers Katherine

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